Two thumbs up!

Anyone who fails to see the truth of Jan. 6 is delusional in the extreme.

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Another name for a man without shame, one more familiar in American parlance, is Sociopath. Without a doubt, Trump's actions on January 6, as well as the more recent backstory of what was going on at the Ellipse, confirms Trump's Sociopathy. He remains a danger to Democracy, if this is not recognized by Justice.

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A great article a must read for everyone.

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Obviously, we all should be thankful we live in a country founded on principles of freedoms unmatched in world history and a Constitution which affirms our government exists to serve “We the People”. And among our most cherished freedoms is the freedom of speech. I never fathomed our freedom of speech would be as threatened as it has been the last few years.

As an adjunct to our right of free speech, our press has not served us well in providing information that is untainted by certain political narratives and biases. A biased media is a dangerous threat to our democracy. Reporting of news must not carry with it censorship or biased reporting. Unfortunately, with respect to a number of vital current issues, the press has failed miserably in its duty to provide facts, not ideologically tainted “facts”. By way of example, stories related to issues with the 2020 election will invariably be reported as “false” or “fraudulent”. Interestingly, while this description is applied to any questioning of the 2020 election, it was not and is not applied to issues raised by the Clinton campaign regarding the 2016 election. In fact, one of the reasons for the January 6 Committee is to continue to bury the verifiable evidence of systemic violations of election law, illegal voting and constitutionally deficient execution of election laws in 2020. The January 6 Committee wants to stifle any discussion of issues concerning the 2020 Election.

For those denying there were issues with the 2020 election, I would urge you to read the February 8,2021 article in Time Magazine by Molly Ball which outlines how the 2020 election was won by a powerful and well funded cabal who helped change voting rules, steered media coverage and controlled information. Despite substantial evidence of election problems in a handful of key states, there is not only a lack of interest by most of the Press to pursue this evidence, but anyone raising 2020 election problems is branded as spreading false information or worse. You are a “denier”, similar to labels given to those who question the politicalization of the Climate issue.

Interestingly, instead of focusing on actual threats to our democracy, like court packing; violence threatened against Supreme Court members and their families; an open Southern border; an energy policy that has made our country dependent on other countries and fueled inflation; a biased press; and a highly incompetent and divisive Presidency, a former one term President continues to be the focus for some.

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Another amazingly flawed analysis by Keith re Trump and, particularly, the January 6 Committee Hearings, aka the Cheney- Dems Stalinist Show Trial.

The actual concern which should be expressed here is for the Democrat Party’s continuing assault on our Democracy. Apparently, that doesn’t bother Keith. How we can have journalists like Keith bamboozled that an “ outsider”, like Trump, is an existential threat to our democracy is laughable. This is particularly so, when all we endured through 4 years of his Presidency were illegitimate attempts to remove him from office, using government agencies and officials to spread falsehoods about him and subject the country to two impeachments and a number of groundless investigations.

And now, after an election which had a number of issues and controversies, which are verboten to even raise in polite company, we are subjected to a Hollywood produced Show Trial, not to determine facts, but to eliminate a political opponent and marginalize anyone associated with him.

How many of you would like to have an investigation and trial of your actions, without representation, without an ability to cross exam witnesses, without the ability to present your own witnesses and with witnesses submitting testimony without first hand knowledge?

Folks, we have very real problems in this country and they weren’t created by Trump. Those problems are the result of Biden and his incompetent Administration. An Administration that, in less than 2 years has created very serious problems and an Administration that has the temerity to continue the assault against its political opponents, including those at the Supreme Court. And, one of the parts of the continued assault by this Administration is the Show Trial so many like Keith are enthralled.

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Your comments, not Burris’s, are flawed and laughable. And we’re all waiting breathlessly for that mountain of evidence that the election was fraudulent. Maybe Rudy G and company will produce it someday and it will pass judicial muster. Hasn’t happened yet though.

But the bigger question is why do you support a morally corrupt person who denigrates women and people of color and other ethnicities (we’ve all heard his words), who has cheated and undercut his creditors and people who’ve trusted him (his bankruptcies, fraudulent tax/credit schemes, and rip-off of students at his “university”… just a few examples and all well documented), and who stands behind the flag, the military, the Bible, and any other useful “prop” he can to bolster his image despite his indifference to them (we all know about and have seen his bone spur deferments, his Bible photo op, him wrapping himself in the flag like a blanket, and more). How do you ignore all that and the rest of his moral and ethical flaws. How can you believe he is qualified to be the leader of the free world?

But the even bigger question is this. You supported a person who was going to “Make America Great Again”. Yet if you will bother to honestly think back to how America was when Trump took office to when his term ended with a riot and death in the Capitol and a country more at war with itself than ever before, can you honestly say Trump succeeded in making the country better? The country’s financial status, standing amongst other countries, a place of refuge for those in need, and its fight against a deadly epidemic after four years (just a few examples) certainly indicate America was worse after his four years in office. Trump’s biggest successes were to push people further and further apart and to nearly destroy our democracy.

But I know these words will have no impact on you and I’ve wasted my time.

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Still feeling so confident that Trump is not a threat to Democracy?? Especially when he clearly states over and over that he wants to be a dictator, that he befriends dictators, thinks Hitler 'did some good things,' and now (October 2024) is stating he will use the position of the Presidency to destroy his enemies...? This man is a menace to society and to our Democracy, and must never again set foot in the Oval Office. He belongs in prison.truly

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